Kyle Osborne's EntertainmentOrDie.Com

Movie Review: Molly’s Game 3 1/2 out of 4 Stars

By Kyle Osborne

Molly’s Game 3 ½ out of 4 Stars

Director Aaron Sorkin writes a script that snaps, crackles and pops. He loves his own words, some might say he loves his own words a little too much, but in the hands of the right actors, so do we. He’s found the perfect actor in Jessica Chastain, who is up for the challenge, performing a lot of her role in voiceover mode, narrating her rise from glorified hostess at secret Hollywood Poker games, to running her own high stakes operation that rakes in millions, but runs afoul of the law.

Entertainment or Die

Idris Elba plays her no-bullshit attorney who reluctantly agrees to take her case after the Feds take her down. Will she give up famous Hollywood names in exchange for leniency, or will she give the finger to everyone and take her chances? Based on a true story, Chastain’s holds an entire movie in the palm of her hand…then walks away with it.

This movie moves and swings and it’s worth a look.

Rated R (for language, drug content and some violence) About 2 hours and 10 minutes

Kyle Osborne

Kyle Osborne

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